What to do if your loved ones feel lonely in the Care Home

Care Home Leicester

Care Home Leicester offers housing and personal care for individuals who need additional assistance in their everyday lives. Personal care can include assistance with feeding, washing, dressing, toileting, and medication administration. Some care homes also have social events such as outings or day trips.

In most cases, going to a care home gives people a greater quality of life and more freedom than they had at home. Care homes provide companionship, activities, protection, and a consistent routine.

Someone may be unhappy in a care home for several reasons, ranging from the location to another resident to missing their former residence. The good news is that most causes of unhappiness in a care home have a solution, so it’s well worth your time to get to the root of the issue and explore ways to change the situation with your loved one and the care home staff.

Your loved one may not want to tell you if they are unhappy in a care facility. Some senior citizens are worried about being a burden or disturbing the care facility’s employees. Here are some ways to make them happy:

Speak with several employees.

Speak with caregivers at the facility who will explain what has been going on with your loved one. If you talk with many staff members, you should be able to put together a detailed image of when and why the issues began. Find out whether your loved one dislikes a particular care worker because of a real concern with their care delivery or simply because of the two personalities’ conflict.

Talk with the person you care for.

The most important thing is to talk to your loved ones about their emotions. They may not realize how depressed they are or why they are depressed, but giving them space to talk about their feelings may reveal the root causes.

If your loved one has dementia, they can find it difficult to convey their emotions. Care staff are trained in dementia and should assist you in this area, such as letting you know when your loved one is most alert or giving you advice about how to handle direct questions.

Seeking a workable solution.

Make a plan with the staff’s help at the care facility to help your loved one feel better. The problem that is causing their dissatisfaction will most likely have a simple solution. It may be anything as simple as getting them a pet (some care homes allow this), settling a dispute with another resident, or adding their favorite activity to the home’s schedule. It may be more substantial, such as relocating them to a different care facility where they prefer or scheduling weekly therapy sessions.

Care Home Leicester

Take them to their doctor.

Your loved one’s unhappiness may not always have a realistic solution. They may be dealing with a situation that cannot be resolved independently, such as grief or depression. It’s best to take them to their doctor to discuss medical care or therapy to help them get through this.