Winston Salem NC homes

Your house has been put up for sale, but against your expectations it is not going to storm. There are few to no viewings, and if there are viewings, there will not be a bid (or an unrealistic bid that you cannot get along with). You become nervous and your patience is put to the test. How do you attract more interested people, how do you get a serious bid and how do you get the house sold in this way? We help you on your way with five good tips if you cannot sell your house. The use of the Winston Salem NC homes happens to be essential here.

A logical and realistic asking price

It’s simple: if the asking price of your home is too high, you are repelling potential viewers. Certainly if there are comparable properties for sale in your neighborhood, you can count on the fact that an asking price is too high. At the same time, you do not want to fall unnecessarily. After all, if you drop far enough in terms of price, there will always be a buyer. Continuously lowering is not a solution. That affects your finances, especially if you sell at a loss.

That is why the following question is essential: is the asking price interesting for potential buyers and are comparable properties for sale for a comparable or lower amount? If selling fast is important to you, the asking price must in any case be equivalent or lower in comparison to the homes in your neighborhood.

Winston Salem NC homes

If there are many homes with the same price in your area, it may be a smart move to offer your home. In this way you transfer the housing transaction costs to yourself, which means that while you keep the same asking price, you take care of the notary fees yourself during the actual housing transaction. As a result, your home is actually several thousand euros cheaper to purchase for potential interested parties and you are visibly distinctive on the site compared to comparable homes in your neighborhood. Playing with the asking price is therefore a first step towards speeding up sales.

Ensure a maximum reach when promoting your house

There are various ways to bring your home to the attention of your target audience, namely people who are currently looking for a home with the characteristics of your home in your area. The fastest route to that target group is the site: accessible to everyone, and (thanks to the filter options of the largest home site) good visibility for everyone who falls within your target group.

If you live in a place with a lot of offers, you can choose to place the house on the site again. That is, the current entry is deleted, and the new entry is placed immediately after. The effect is that your home will be ‘in the picture’ again. The site visitors see your home at the top, and people who belong to your target group can get a notification that there is a new home that meets their needs. It is common for a large peak in the number of views of your site listing to be seen in the first days after the new placement.