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Written and spoken languages ​​differ and the academic genre is very written linguistic. There are many different components that together make a text written, including concentration and that there is a large proportion of nouns. Through the gradesfixer reddit you can find the best option. Another is that the writer avoided words, word forms and expressions used in spoken languages, as in these examples:

Speaking language: talk, check, work, spring, while, out, because

Written: speak, investigate, work, spring, while, of, because

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One quick way to determine how spoken or written a text is to look at the word length. Many short words give a spoken text, fewer and longer words a written language:

  • Speaking: And then we would check if we could talk to someone who worked there.
  • Written language: We then examined the possibility of an employee meeting.


Caution is about not being too sure of one’s thing. By expressing caution, you do not have to be questioned. Furthermore, it is never possible to be completely confident in academic contexts. Therefore, it is common to see expressions that suggest, maybe a consequence of, an interpretation is that … in academic texts.

Not careful: The result shows that math is a difficult subject.

Caution: The result indicates that many students perceive mathematics as a difficult subject.


An academic text must be clear and clear. Therefore, choose words with clear and definite meaning and clarify and define concepts that can be ambiguous. Concepts should be used consistently and are consistent with the definition. The goal is for the text to be perceived a similar away as possible for two different readers. It is mainly this trait that makes fewer read readers describe academic texts as “difficult” with “many strange words”, as in this example:

The analysis of the total fifteen texts in the two dissertations has been inspired by Green (1999) who believes that the development of literacy is situated in social practices where operational, cultural and critical competencies work together.


The typical style features of a scientific text thus making it often difficult to read for those who are not used to it. It may take longer to read and require more effort to understand the concentrated and precise text. Getting to know the style is nevertheless an important part of learning a subject.

The library helps you to write a thesis at the bachelor or master level in different ways. For example, you are often offered a lecture with a librarian during the method or essay course to refresh your knowledge of searching the literature. You are also welcome to the search engine if you are stuck or want someone to ask for advice.

If you do not find the answer to your question on this particular page – contact us or come and talk to us in the library information point on floor 2. We are here for you!

Use the library when writing an essay

Choice of topic

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Information retrieval

  • Use the library’s resources to search and find research articles, books, etc.
  • Talk to us if you need help choosing keywords and finding reliable sources
  • Visit the search workshop and take part in the library’s teaching that you are offered for essay writing