The Ecommerce Training Process as the Finer Opportunities for Perfection

kibo code review

Sometimes, with the sole objective of achieving good results in a limited time, we disperse by testing different solutions to try to directly achieve the ultimate goal of our business. Discover the new options now with the kibo code review .

Even if you are 200% sure that everything is going as planned, in some ways the results you expected are not there. This is why working step by step, little by little, by setting goals at each step, proves to be the best way to plan your business.

Our advice

Keep in mind your main objective and identify intermediate objectives in order to chart your route towards the objective of your e-commerce.

Always set goals:

  • S: Specific
  • M: Measurable
  • A: Achievable
  • A: Realistic
  • T: Temporal

Micro-conversions are an important step in turning visitors to your site into customers. Before convincing them to order, try to build a relationship with your audience instead.

What is micro-conversion?

kibo code review

A micro-conversion is an action that a visitor performs on your site before investing money there and therefore buying on your e-commerce.

Micro conversion

Depending on your goal of optimizing your conversion rate and also what you want your visitors to do, these micro-conversions can be:

  • Visiting a specific page or product
  • One-click on a Call-to-Action button
  • Use of the search tool
  • The combination of several search filters
  • Downloading an article, PDF, guide or ebook
  • Subscribe to the newsletter
  • Signing up for an email list
  • Engagement on social networks

How to get micro-conversions?

Have in-depth knowledge of your buyer’s personas to create a personalized on-site experience. Your visitors will be more willing to leave their email and you can start a more personalized customer relationship with them.

One of the ways to get leads and investigate the behavior of your customers is to create a pop-up with a personalized questionnaire.

For example, you can create a cart abandonment survey pop-up. This will appear when the user leaves his shopping cart page: by means of a short questionnaire, you will be able to know the reasons for this abandonment and recover the visitor’s email address. Subsequently, set up a personalized content strategy for this user.

Use weather segmentation

It’s a fact: the weather influences our mood and can trigger a certain state of mind. In recent years, marketers have begun to recognize the importance of this variable on sales.

People have not only changed their buying habits but they have also changed their lifestyle and the weather affects the means used by Internet users to search and buy. Now, thanks to the evolution of mobile and the diversification of means of communication, segmentation by weather have become an even more effective strategy in approaching visitors.

When it’s cold or raining, people spend more time indoors and take advantage of it to browse the Internet. Therefore, this is the perfect time to surprise the Internet user and send them the right message: “It’s time to put on your new soft and comfortable sweater”, if, for example, you sell clothes. Weather segmentation is not enough on its own, but it is an effective criterion to combine with other segmentation characteristics to create a completely personalized experience.