Day: December 1, 2019

Best Caller ID Deals for You Now

Before answering the question what is a reverse directory already? As its name indicates and as opposed to the traditional directory which makes it possible to find the number of a person starting from his name, the inverse directory is a service that makes it possible to find the identity (Name) and the person’s address from their phone number. This service is widely used and used in many countries since the 90s and even more since the 2000s of which the Anglo-Saxon countries under the name of gray pages. It is as well used by professionals and public administrations as by private individuals. With the Telefonterror you can have the caller ID options.

Indeed it is the police, the emergency services medical aid, firefighters, or the telephone operators, with the difference that the reverse directory which they have listed all the subscribers having a telephone line. Reverse directory services for …