Day: September 7, 2019

The Thermal Deburring Technology: What you must know before executing

The method of thermal deburring effectively removes the burrs from the inner surface of the parts, but after this treatment the parts are contaminated with metal particles and residues of combustion products from the explosion. This dirt is difficult to remove from parts using conventional cleaning methods, but with the efficient cleaning system we achieve a high level of cleanliness at the lowest cost. You would also be needing the use of the welded rail deburring device here.

The efficient cleaning system includes a combination of different agitation methods that help remove contaminants. Together with optimized cleaning chemicals, you can achieve excellent cleaning results after thermal deburring, and when the process requires high power and a quick cleaning result. Efficient automatic lines can even reach 10 minutes for cleaning after thermal deburring.

Part after TEM

Efficient cleaning technology combined with vertical agitation also makes it possible to clean a variety …